Painting Contractors In Canelands

Painting Contractors In Clansthal
February 17, 2015
Painting Contractors In Arena Park
February 18, 2015

House & Corporate Painting Contractors in Canelands


Canelands Based Painting Contractors in Durban North


Residential Painting Contractor

Residential Painting Contractors in CanelandsDoes your home or office need to be painted?. When should you contact us on professional residential painting services in Canelands to paint your building’s exterior. Do you know when your home’s exterior ought to be repainted? As well established professionals in home maintenance solutions throughout Canelands (Durban North), the team behind Spectrum Painters takes on painting projects on a broad variety of residential and non-residential buildings.

Commercial Painting Contractors

Painting ContractorsYour dedicated team of industrial painting specilists remove the hard work out of painting your industrial site, with specially designed services to minimise disruption for our clients. Let us use our many years of combined experience to make your painting project as pain free as is humanly possible.
Our expertise extends to working on Homeowner Association administered complexes, cordoned off suburbs and high-rise apartment buildings.

Spectrum Clients in Canelands

At Spectrum Painters, we have worked hard to build our cost-effective and expert painting services into a respectable and sought after commodity in Canelands. We have assisted thousands of Canelands property owners to keep their homes entirely protected from the weather through our support and services. We use our vast background to provide our clients the outstanding service that they deserve.

Accreditations and Memberships

All Accreditations and Memberships for Spectrum services in Canelands

  • Member of Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Our employees are covered by Workman’s Compensation.
  • We use Out-side Safety Consultants (OHS).
  • We have Defective Workmanship Insurance up to R500,000.
  • We never source casual or temporary staff.

It is due to our commitment to exceptional quality and customer care that we continue to grow. Our team is ready to provide you with all the right answers to your painting needs and questions. Chat to us right now for hassle-free and professional painting services in North Durban.