Painting Contractors In Mariannhill

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February 19, 2015
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February 19, 2015

House & Commercial Painting Contractor in Mariannhill


Mariannhill Based Painting Contractors in Inner West Durban


Residential Painting Contractor

House Painting Company in MariannhillNeed a new paint job?. Do you require our specialist experience in painting expertise in Mariannhill. Our expert household painting contractors in Mariannhill help you keep up with your home’s upkeep and budget. As long entrenched leaders in painting services in Mariannhill (Inner West Durban), the competent team behind Spectrum undertakes projects on a broad range of residential projects.

Commercial Painting Services

Painting ContractorsSpectrum’s dedicated partner for commercial painting contractors remove the grind from painting your industrial site, with specifically designed services to maximise efficiency for our customers. Use our many years of contracting expertise to make your painting project as painless as possible.

We also specialise on providing corporate painting services, with premium standard paint coatings for every conceivable type of commercial building structure. Our business can work on hospitality, shopping complexes and office parks, spas, banks, hostels and display areas, to name just a few of the sites.

Our Clients in Mariannhill

To provide our clients with all the factors needed to make an informed decision, we provide a no-obligation quotation and all the guidance needed to make the best choice for your painting needs Mariannhill. Our experts are available to advise customers on the best products, colour ranges and operational procedures for your building.

Accreditations and Memberships

All Accreditations and Memberships for Spectrum Painting Contractors in Mariannhill

  • Proud Member of Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Approved Applicators with : Plascon, Prominent, Dulux and Dekade.
  • We use Out-side Safety Consultants (OHS).
  • We have Defective Workmanship Insurance up to R500,000.
  • We do not resource casual or temporary staff.

It is due to our dedication to excellence and client care that we continue to grow and expand. Our company is ready to supply you with all the answers to your painting needs and questions. Chat to us right now for hassle-free and professional painting services in Inner West Durban.